Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sydney Culcher Day 1

Well since I've been up since 6:30 in a household that doesn't rise till at least 10 I may as well go through my recent activities/likeys. My latest absence has been due mostly to hayfever. It's made my head feel so compressed that I can't get a damn thing out of it. That and I had to study for an Economics exam which was publicly humiliating, as if my body was on auto-pilot except the auto-pilot was a drunken five year old. Anyway....
 #1 - The Mad Square

This is the latest big thing at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. It's all about German Expressionism (and a bit of Dada, and Expressionism, and Impressionism, and etc) . I carried the ticket-sellers disdain for my Queensland post-code all of the way into the show. The show was mostly filler with only a little bit of killer. A bit :-( considering the entrance fee. My fave pic is below:

Gosh that makes it look fugly. It is so much better in person.

#2 - Kinokuniya

After that I hit up Kinokuniya. As usual I went and petted Akira and GoGo Monster (it comes in the sweetest box set!). Also came across a great looking comic called Big Questions by Anders Nielsen. I just flicked through but it looks deep. A quote on blurb references Beckett. Heavy. It was also nice to see it didn't have many words, since so many "intellectual" graphic novels rely to much on words. Apologies; that's all a bit of a hangover from my lit class, where-in they made us read Fun Home, this pretentious queer-lit autobiography posing as a graphic novel. I could write a whole rant on it, but I already did that in class.

#3 xxxx (play), starring xxxxx xxxx.

So my friend took me to see a play. Not his play, which I'm totes excited about seeing later in the week. It was a play he knew little about, aside from the fact he'd only have to pay $5. I meanwhile had to fork out $25 for what amounted to 40 minutes of a one man show. It was awful. I find the theater so awkward because half the time it all feels like one giant in-joke for theater crowds. If you aren't in the theater, or the friend and family of someone in the theater, you're not going to get it. After the show I noticed everyone knew everyone, except us. So we had to suffer through this indulgent, unfunny and faux-topical melodramatic monologue without the cushion of "he's our friend, isn't he clever." I don't really need to go on, although I guess I should just be glad it wasn't puppets...

#4 The United States of Leland

Back at home I slept through most of The United States of Leland. It's a mid-noughties treasure trove of stars! Ryan Gosling, Kevin Spacey, Michelle Williams, Jenna Malone, Chris Klein. So many! Which reminds me to mention how freaking awesome/awful Blade 3 is. Wesley Snipe's "acting" , the dialogue! Parker Posey as a vampire! Ryan Reynolds! It was so good I'm sad I slept through the last half hour. Exclamation Point!

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